
Designed to provoke reflection and dialogue

Leadership Legacy: What Gifts Are You Giving?

Legacy. It’s a powerful word that carries many meanings. For some, it may evoke thoughts of the tangible gifts we leave behind for our loved ones after we pass away. However, when it comes to leadership, the most important gifts we can give are intangible, and we can give them throughout our entire careers.  We often think about our careers

Leadership Legacy: Building Your Legacy

Your leadership legacy is defined by the positive impact you make on others, one that continues to shape their lives and careers long after you’ve moved on. It sits at the intersection of your values, your unique talents and gifts, and others’ needs. You may be thinking about your legacy, but what can you do to ensure you’re actually building

Humility in Leadership

Leaders are often expected to be confident. Confidence establishes credibility, builds trust, and inspires others. Let’s face it: when there’s a difficult decision to make or a critical conversation to have, no one wants their leader to be unconfident.  At the same time, we often talk about humility as a critical trait for leadership. Humility leads to better listening and

From the Founder’s Bookshelf

Looking for your next leadership book?
Here are a few go-tos… some you’ve probably heard of and maybe a couple you haven’t, along with a few comments from Kim on why she appreciates each.
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