
Designed to provoke reflection and dialogue
empty crossword puzzle

A Nine-Letter Word That Starts with “I”…

There is a nine-letter word starting with “i” that is critical to successful leadership. It’s especially important during times of change and ambiguity. Here’s your first hint: if you are an i________ leader, your people will feel valued and respected.   A few more hints… I________ leaders exhibit several key behaviors:   By embodying these behaviors, leaders can create a work environment

Is it Time to Refresh Your Strategy?

As one year draws to a close and another begins, it’s natural for business leaders to reflect. This period of transition can serve as a pivotal moment for evaluating and recalibrating your business strategy. While your current approach may still be yielding results, the question remains: how can you determine if it’s time for a strategic overhaul?

From the Founder’s Bookshelf

Looking for your next leadership book?
Here are a few go-tos… some you’ve probably heard of and maybe a couple you haven’t, along with a few comments from Kim on why she appreciates each.
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