Leadership Legacy: What Gifts Are You Giving?

By Kim Kavala

Legacy. It’s a powerful word that carries many meanings. For some, it may evoke thoughts of the tangible gifts we leave behind for our loved ones after we pass away. However, when it comes to leadership, the most important gifts we can give are intangible, and we can give them throughout our entire careers. 

We often think about our careers in terms of what we want to achieve or gain: a particular role, title, experience or salary. However, legacy is not about what we get, but what we give. Your leadership legacy is defined by the positive impact you make on others, one that continues to shape their lives and careers long after you’ve moved on.

Many make the mistake of believing that legacy is only for CEOs or other high-level executives. However, anyone can be a leader, regardless of their title or level. Consider the three to five people who have had the most impact on your career. Is it likely that all of them were CEOs? Probably not.

Another mistake people make is not thinking about their legacy until near the end of their careers. While the phrase “better late than never” applies, waiting until the end of your career limits the time you have to intentionally build your legacy. To create a lasting impact, leaders must be authentic and grounded in their values, aware of their unique gifts and cognizant of others’ needs. While it can take time and experience to sort out these things, it’s never too early to start.

Ask yourself, are you showing up authentically as a leader? What’s supporting your authenticity, and what’s hindering it? What intangible gifts do you have to offer? Consider the people you lead today and envision the impact you hope to make on them in three to five years. What will they remember about you? How will you know if you have made a difference in their lives and careers? Your leadership legacy lies within the answers to these questions, and it’s unique to you and only you.

So, what is your leadership legacy? Don’t wait for the end of your career to start building it. Start today, and make a positive impact on others that will last a lifetime.

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