Explore our FAQs to learn more about how Legata Leadership Solutions can help you achieve your leadership goals and don’t hesitate to reach out if you do not see the answer to your question.
Coaching is a collaborative process between the client and coach.  A coach guides her client toward self-discovery, facilitating achievement of the client’s goals.  Coaching sessions may occur in person, by phone, and/or through video conference.
Coaching is especially helpful for leaders who are facing significant challenges or who are seeking to elevate performance.  Many organizations proactively assign a coach to leaders who are new to the organization, taking on new responsibilities, or seeking to make a greater impact.
Specific goals are set for each coaching engagement, and progress will be tracked and measured against those goals.  Coaching can help with improving work performance, increasing employee engagement, and improving collaboration in the workplace, to name only a few.
The timeline for seeing results can vary quite a bit depending on the goals and complexity. An average engagement is approximately six months, but some clients request to continue beyond for longer. Results are typically seen throughout the entire engagement and beyond, not only at the end of the engagement.
Leadership development is the process of enhancing the capabilities of your organization’s leaders.  This can be done through a number of different leadership experiences, exposures and/or education.  Tangible business results can be achieved with a well-designed and executed leadership development strategy.
Organizational development is a systematic process that helps organizations improve their effectiveness and readiness for change.   Organizational development looks at your organization’s strategy, culture, structure and processes, as well as leaders’ and employees’ behaviors.
Kim will partner with you to create solutions that are customized to your specific organizational context and needs. For that reason, no two solutions are the same. 
Because engagements vary widely in scope and scale, pricing is based on the individual engagement.  Schedule some time to chat with Kim to get more information!
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